CRMHOW.COM Opens Office in Amsterdam
Amsterdam, October 1st, 2015
After a startup phase where home offices were heavily used, CRMHOW.COM today announces to have opened an office in Amsterdam, close to Schiphol Airport.
Marc la Chapelle, CEO and founder of CRM.HOW.COM, comments: “When you start up a new company you try to keep the cost low, and the options to meet in homes, hotels and restaurants are plenty. However, we now must recognize the fact that we are growing very rapidly and that a professional environemt to work and have meetings is necessary. We are very pleased to have found a suitable location in Amterdam, close to the airport. We expect to be receiving a lot of international visitors in the near future, and then you don’t want to be hours away from the airport. And besides, all our employees and relations seem to have a tendancy of combining working with CRMHOW.COM with some kind of nightlife activity. Where else than in Amsterdam should we locate our offices then?
The Amsterdam office will serve as a headquarter office, the office in New York City is mainly there for the purpose of meetings.